This is a SAMPLE AKT test only containing 60 questions. Questions are compiled from texts and latest journals recommended for RACGP exams.
Questions in the AKT are written by experienced GPs who currently work in clinical practice, and are based on clinical presentations typically seen in the general practice setting.
The exam consists of 150 items. There are two question types:
• Single best answer (SBA)
• Modified extended matching questions (MEMQ)
Examples of each type are included below.
All questions hold equal value, and no negative marks are given for incorrect answers.
The AKT is a 3.5-hour exam. However, a universal allowance of an additional 30 minutes has been granted to all candidates. This allows extra time for candidates for whom English is a second language, for slow readers and for other reasons.
All candidates are therefore given four hours to complete the AKT.