This is a SAMPLE exam only. Subscribers can avail more than 10,000 ACRRM (regularly added and updated)Questions covering all the core and contextual domains:
The ACRRM MCQ exam typically contains 125 questions. These questions include both single-best-answer questions. The exam is designed to assess a broad range of clinical knowledge and decision-making skills relevant to rural and remote medicine.
- The exam consists of single-best-answer multiple-choice questions, where candidates select the most appropriate option from four or five choices.
- The exam is designed to assess clinical knowledge, decision-making skills, and the application of medical knowledge in rural and remote settings.
- A broad range of topics is covered, including emergency care, general practice, and rural-specific health issues.
- The format reflects the complex challenges faced by rural practitioners
PLEASE NOTE: THE ACRRM MCQS are designed for the Australian Rural and Remote General Practice Fellowship exam. The questions are different in general feel and make up compared to RACGP exams. Our Question Bank and Mock exam questions are different for ACRRM and RACGP exams.
ACRRM CARPA books, CHECKs, GPlearning, Murtagh GP textbook, AJGP, and tens of other texts, journals and UptoDate sources are used to create our total Question Bank of more than 13000 Questions.